Tomorrow is a very special day. Tomorrow we start something new in Wrocław. What would that be? Read on.

Tomorrow is the first devWarsztaty meeting in Wrocław. Together with Jarosław Stadnicki we organized the whole thing. Of course the idea is not ours – it came from Jakub Gutkowski – who started it in Warsaw some time ago. Since I enjoy hands-on experience, I liked it from the beginning and since I was thinking of organizing the same in Wrocław I thought it would be good to do it under the same brand.

Of course this could not happen without trainers – our first will be Konrad Kokosa who you probably know very well (go read his blog). And our sponsors – PGS Software & JetBrains. The first one gives us the room, food & drinks, the second on – a free license for one of our attendees.

If you have something interesting and want to learn others – please give us a shout. We can think of something together. We already have plans for few workshops in the future but the more ideas the better. Stay tuned and wish us luck tomorrow.