Author / Paweł Łukasik

This is a usual time of the year for summaries so let’s keep the tradition alive and write one. Here’s my 2017 achievements split between months. January Blogging for 18 days straight – nothing near gutek’s achievement (whole year!) but still a nice streak Microsoft MVP title (thx Konrad Kokosa for pointing this one ;)) February […]

“Advent of Code is a series of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels.” Each day was a fun an interesting coding challenge. I’ve decided to practice and code this in python to learn the skill. Some of them might not be the best python scripting as I was short on time in […]

Some time ago I’ve attended a .net developer days 2017 conference. I was quite busy since (traveling, teaching .net, working) that only now I got some time to share some thoughts about it. As a bonus I’m including a short interview I did during the event. I need to state here, just to be clear, […]

We developers don’t like documentation. We don’t like to read it, and we even more we don’t like to write it. But sometimes it is worth to read it. Like when you find out that by using datetime in SQL DB you got a milliseconds precision but only if it ends on 0,3,7 (link). That […]

In the previous post we’ve removed some of the technical debt that could be found in our NetDeveloperPoland Website application. In this one we will remove it even more. We can even maybe reach a B? Let’s see where we’ll end up at the end of this part. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET […]

As you could read in the post about NDepend – the Technical debt feature was I think the best what was new (to me) in NDepend 2017. I’ve decided to use it and write couple of posts how I use this feature to actually reducing it in the NetDevelopersPoland WebSite project. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal […]

If you have ever written an application that’s a bit bigger than a standard Hello World and that will live a litter longer than just for showing it to your significant other – I bet you’ve experience the same. You try to make it clean. You try to make it perfect but in the end […]

Microsoft Cognitive Services & Bot Framework - video

If you prefer to watch that to read and you like Cognitive Services and Bot Framework here’s something for you. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. Microsoft MVP. Podcaster –

Microsoft Cognitive Services - applications

Even the best technology is not worth much if there are no applications that uses it. The same goes with Microsoft Cognitive Services. Here is the list of few websites or apps that uses Cognitive Services. Let’s see if this technology is already getting adoption. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate […]

Microsoft Cognitive Services - Search API

The last leg of Microsoft Cognitive Services is Search API. Lets check what we can find in this part of the API that could extend our application with intelligence. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. Microsoft MVP. Podcaster – […]