If you check my last year’s writing history and compare with this year there’s a clearly a change. In 2016 I wrote my first post in May and ended up with 24 posts. This year I’m already at half of this number and it’s not even February.

You can clearly see that I’ve started to write everyday. Why? I did that for the very simple reason – to see how hard it could be. Additionally I was thinking of building a habit out of that.  I’m still far from Gutek or MiroBurn but after 12 days I do have some observations:

  • it’s difficult – there are million things that can get you off course
  • topics are important – even if I want to write about Lua it doesn’t mean I want to write about it everyday. Writing about something light can be refreshing. Having a list of things you can write is really, really helpful
  • timing is even more important – If you are on a tight schedule you can’t put things off. You don’t know what will happen later and if you will have time to write the post. You don’t know if you will not end up in the hospital (like was in my case) or you will not have to deal with very high fever (still fitting with it). If you put writing for “later” you might run out of time.

For how long will I continue writing everyday? Don’t know. Probably for some time but I feel that keeping that for a longer period hurts other things.

I can see it takes some time from: family, work, dotnetomaniak.pl, Wroc.NET, gathering new skills for CTFs and few other a bit more secret activities. And where’s the time for some games?