Author / Paweł Łukasik

What is LuaJIT?

It’s a Just-In-Time compiler for Lua. It is supported on all major platforms including: Windows, Linux and macOS. It’s been used as a scripting language in games, graphical apps, trading systems as well as in embedded devices like smartphones. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the […]

Lua - visibility rules

The visibility of variables in Lua is a bit different than in C#. The same variable name can be used within the inner block without any naming issues. Lets see how this is in practice Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user […]

Lua - garbage collector

C programmers think memory management is too important to be left to the computer. Lisp programmers think memory management is too important to be left to the user. Lets see what Lua programmers think on this topic. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders […]

Why did I started writing everyday?

If you check my last year’s writing history and compare with this year there’s a clearly a change. In 2016 I wrote my first post in May and ended up with 24 posts. This year I’m already at half of this number and it’s not even February. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. […]

Is Total Recall the best book I've read in 2017?

I know that 2017 has just started. I know that I’ve only managed to finish reading listening one book. And I know that Total Recall will be the best book that I’ve finished this year. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. […]

In every program we need sometimes to control the program flow. if-statements, loops and similar structures can help with the task. Lets learn the control structures in Lua. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. Microsoft MVP. Podcaster –

Triage (/ˈtriːɑːʒ/ or //triːˈɑːʒ//) is the process of determining the priority of patients’ treatments based on the severity of their condition. This rations patient treatment efficiently when resources are insufficient for all to be treated immediately. The term comes from the French verb trier, meaning to separate, sift or select.[1] Triage may result in determining the order and priority of emergency treatment, the […]

How to stay full of ideas?

It’s good to be creative, it’s good to have head full of ideas. But how to make sure you don’t run out? Everybody gets a dry spell from time to time. Here are few tips that allow you to fill you head with new concepts. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, […]

In order to learn recursion you need to learn recursion. The above quote is hilarious, but seriously – what is recursion? Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. Microsoft MVP. Podcaster –

Lets start coding. After setting up our environment for macOS and Windows it’s time to write code. Lets keep the tradition live and as the first program we will write “Hello World” application. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. Microsoft MVP. […]