Tag / cil

In order to learn recursion you need to learn recursion. The above quote is hilarious, but seriously – what is recursion? Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. Microsoft MVP. Podcaster – Ostrapila.pl

In one of the lasts post, I’ve showed you what tools to use to play with IL. I’ve also showed how to change the entrypoint of the application. Now lets learn some basic structure of IL code. Let’s dive in. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of […]

Did you ever wondered what it would be like if you are not limited to static Main(string[] args) as your entrypoint? Did you ever wanted more freedom over where your app starts? Actually you can have that. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. Microsoft […]

Wczoraj miałem przyjemność porozmawiać trochę o ILu w odcinku podcastu zatytułowanego devReview. Jeśli chcecie posłuchać trochę o “wspólnym języku pośrednim” zapraszam was do jego wysłuchania: Gdybyście mieli jakieś pytania to piszcie śmiało – tutaj, bądź na stronie podcastu. Miłego słuchania! Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one […]