At first I was not going to write a 2016 review but ultimately decided to write it anyway. It might be a good chance to have a look at the whole year. So what did happen to Paweł Łukasik in 2016?


I’m not very happy about what happened to this blog in 2016 but I can easily see it might got worse. 26 posts in a very, very low number but I did started writing also at my other blog – – about CTF – Capture The Flag competitions that I did started attending. In 2017 the goal is to write at least twice as many posts. Lets see in year’s time how it will look in next year’s summary. A red card here.

I feel that is having the best time in 2016. More visits, more articles added – I guess it was a bit mainly due to sponsoring an award for “Daj się poznać” and also becoming media partner for some conferences. A green card for sure! – Wrocław edition

I’ve also started a spin-off of Gutek’s idea about workshops in Wrocław (Something new is coming to town) along with Jarosław Stadnicki. In few months we managed to have one workshop per month and based on the waiting queues they are well received. Green card too.


For the first time I did send CFP for a talk. It was for detnetconfpl – an online conference organised by Paweł Sawicz, Michał Franc & Jakub Jedryszek. It was the first time I also did online talk where I’ve talked to the screen for 1 hour without active person on the other side.

You can see the talk here:

I also made a podcast about the same topic on the devReview podcast – also great experience.

I could do more – for sure. Yellow/green card.

I’ve also spoke at two events in 2016. First was GrillRb where I did a panel about ASp.NET MVC. Also after this panel I did wrote a post (The biggest disadvantage of ASP.NET (MVC)) to clear some misconceptions about MVC & Microsoft that are still present even though MS has made such transformation from what it was years ago. The second appearance was during PGDotNet meeting where I did talked about “Hacking IL”.

I can see I could do more – yellow card


I’ve also managed to publish an article about “Hacking IL” – I think the topic was covered enough. Although the paper edition was realised in 2017 the PDF was still in the previous year. Also the whole writing was done before the New Year so I’ll count it for the previous year.

Programista Magazine - 54

Magazyn programistów i liderów zespołów IT

Of course my offline activities are also connected with Wroc.NET user group. In 2016 we did managed to get 2 session for every month (apart from vacations) as we intend to. We opened our slack – so you can join us there and keep publishing videos and presentations at I feel it was a great year for the group – I would give myself a green card but probably the community should decide here.

I’ve also helped organised 2nd edition of GeekWeekWro – one week filled with geek meetings.

It doesn’t look very much. I honestly I think I did more the previous years but it looks like it was noticed as just few days ago I was awarded with MVP award. Wow.

Microsoft MVP logo

Thank you!

Paweł Łukasik in 2017?

More of the things above and few more. Let’s make 2017 awesome.