Tag / visual studio

Why my Visual Studio zoom is at 150%?

If you happen to see my Visual Studio at my normal day work you might notice that my font is big. Is my sight that bad? And it’s not that I’m sitting 10 meters from the screen. Not at all… Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one […]

The last time I’ve managed to setup Lua environment on macOS. Now lets try to see if we can do the same on Windows. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. Microsoft MVP. Podcaster – Ostrapila.pl

Everyone knows how to enhance Visual Studio’s debugging experience by applying DebuggerDisplay attribute (in polish). If not – read Piotr’s post here. That’s debugging 101. Here’s how to improve your experience even more. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. Microsoft […]

Data! Data! Data! I can’t make bricks without clay! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle I like gathering data of all kind. Financial, personal and technical one. But gathering data just for the sake of doing it makes no sense. We need to analyse it. There are tools for all kind of data gathering and post-processing but […]