Author / Paweł Łukasik

I deal a lot with communities. It started very early. As a teenager I was promoted to a moderator function on one of the online forums – (anyone recognizes the name?). Currently I deal with online community ( as well as online/offline – As I wanted to learn more and more about communities I […]

For the last two days I was attending the .NET Developers Poland conference in Warsaw. It was my first time at this conference (I was there as a media patronage from and due to the fact that this year I’ve attend a lot of different sort of conferences (considering my usual average of 1/yr) I’ve decided to write short review […]

The very first dev-warsztaty in Wrocław are over. Time to do some post-mortem analysis :). There a few lessons learnt (at least for me) from it. There’s a little story that goes like this… This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be […]

Tomorrow is a very special day. Tomorrow we start something new in Wrocław. What would that be? Read on. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. Microsoft MVP. Podcaster –

I don’t like to write about conferences. The opinions about them are highly subjective and they are valid for a very short time. I also don’t like to write my opinions about the sessions (in some rare cases I do write them anyway). And yet here I’m writing about #programistok 2016. Why? Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal […]

A few posts back I wrote about an Application Insights, Azure based solution for tracking application data. Yesterday I realised it has a feature that I wanted to use it even more. I think you will want to use it too. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one […]

Did you ever wondered what it would be like if you are not limited to static Main(string[] args) as your entrypoint? Did you ever wanted more freedom over where your app starts? Actually you can have that. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. Microsoft […]

Did you ever needed to modify the source code to return some value for the testing purpose? Or you needed to alter the code as so to stimulate some flow? If your answer is yes then I guess you also forgot (from time to time) to revert your change back and such temporary fix went into […]

Everyone knows how to enhance Visual Studio’s debugging experience by applying DebuggerDisplay attribute (in polish). If not – read Piotr’s post here. That’s debugging 101. Here’s how to improve your experience even more. Paweł ŁukasikFounder of Octal Solutions a .NET software house. Passionate dev, blogger, occasionally speaker, one of the leaders of Wroc.NET user group. Microsoft […]

CIL/IL is the intermediary language that is behind every .NET code you write. You might not know it, you might not be aware that it’s there but once you know it you will like it (or not :)). But to truly get to know it you need to have the tools to play with it. […]