It looks like I will need some Lua experience for home automation scripting in a few months from now so I decided that it would be nice new language to learn in 2017.

I’ll record my journey here, on this blog – if you want to learn it too – you are welcome to join me. If you already know Lua – you are even more welcome to check my progress and spot my mistakes.

And without further ado lets begin..

What is Lua?

Lua is a quite old language – designed in 1993 but only few years back it gain a lot of momentum – mainly due to IoT being on it’s raise. In 2013 it was mentioned in Technology Radar in languages to be assessed. Lua is on 31st position on TIOBE Index and it’s not that uncommon tag on StackOverflow.

As for the language itself – it is multi paradigm language: object-oriented mixing with functional programming. It’s dynamically typed with features like garbage collection and closures.

From the examples on Wikipedia it looks quite interesting.

I’m very happy that it’s so different from C# which I use daily. It might give a nice perspective to the things I do daily and how I do them.

Next time we will go through the process of setting Lua and its environment up.