I wasn’t writting for so long so I must catch up with my blog. OK. First of all I must say that I was at Siemens for an interview. I was applaying for a position of “Linux Software Developer” (still waiting for results). All conversation was in english, so I was a little bit nervous about it, but I think I manage quite well with that. My technical knowledge on the contrary was poor :(. I forgot how to use iterators 🙁 and other technical stuff. Enough for technical data, now something about Wroclaw.
The city is marvellous. The market square is outstanding with it’s fountains and old buildings. I would like to live there…
Siemens is located in Wroclaw’s Businness Park and it’s also beautiful place. There are green places with benches where you can sit and relax. You can also play basketball becouse ther is place for it!!! In Wroclaw’s Business Park you can find also companies like IBM, Computerland and so on. Our little silicon valey :-).

I must say that this weekend was quite amazing. One bad thing is my trip – 8 hours in train..a disaster :/)

P.S. I’m also having an interview at Microsoft, so I’m going to Warsaw in tuesday. Wish me luck.